Tuesday, June 21, 2011

list: Most Overrated Albums of 2011.5

If people try to tell you any of these are good, don't listen to them -- they're liars.

James Blake - James Blake
Lots of silence + auto-tuned crooning + cheesy sounds = James Blake

Yuck - Yuck
Nothing original. Blatant worship of a scene that wasn't any good to begin with.
Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Bon Iver
The second album from the guy who wrote his first album in a cabin in the woods. Continues to show his love for Wisconsin, this time by making an album that's pure cheese.

Smith Westerns - Dye it Blonde
These guys have potential, but this kind of band shouldn't be this polished. Not enough variety, unlistenable over a full album.

TV on the Radio - Nine Types of Light
They're capable of so much more. Lots of weak tracks. Every time I listen to it, I forget it's on. When it's over, I can't recall a single thing.

The Antlers - Burst Apart
Dig the first track. Second track gets into a groove....then you realize it's not a groove, it's a rut, and it lasts the rest of the album.

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Belong
This is just god-awful.

Gorillaz - The Fall
The album famous for being recorded on an iPad. Guess what? It sounds like it was recorded on an iPad. The first track sounds like wet farts. It doesn't get much better from there.

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